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  • Writer's pictureSparta

Maine Coons

Updated: Aug 14, 2018

Maine coon cats are the best for family and anyone, so why do a Persian cat? They have so many health problems and they have a mess of a fur. Maine coons are a healthy breed of cat and don't have a mess of a fur (but please brush them) and don't have a pushed in face like Persians do. You might think that the pushed in face is so cute but that pushed in face will make it hard breathing and it causes more harm than it does good. Persians can have heart problems so, that is also a bust. Maine coons are where it is at, my Maine Coon, Jack, loves everyone and he is so pretty. He always greets me when I get home and he cheers me up when I'm down. Persians can do that but I love Maine Coons more that Persians and Maine

Coons are the best. Thanks for reading my reasons to choose Maine Coons over Persians but that is my opinion.

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